Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Use the Patch Tool in Photoshop?

How Do I Use the Patch Tool in Photoshop?

Last updated on November 20, 2022 @ 11:07 am

If you’re new to Photoshop, you may be wondering how to use the Patch Tool. The Patch Tool is a great way to fix small imperfections in your photos. Here’s a quick guide on how to use the Patch Tool in Photoshop:

1. Select the Patch Tool from the Tools palette. You can also press the keyboard shortcut “J” to select the Patch Tool.

2. Choose the desired mode from the options bar. There are three modes to choose from: Normal, Content-Aware, and Lighten.

3. Select an area of your photo that you want to fix. To do this, click and drag your mouse over the area.

4. Release the mouse button and drag the selection to another area of your photo. The area you drag to will be used to “patch” the original selection.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you’re satisfied with the results.


The Patch Tool is a great way to fix small imperfections in your photos. By following the steps above, you can easily learn how to use this tool to improve your photos.

PRO TIP: The Patch Tool in Photoshop can be used to repair small or large areas of an image. However, if used incorrectly, it can damage the image. Use the Patch Tool with caution and always make a backup of your image before using it.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.