Web Design » Figma » How Do You Add Curves in Figma?

How Do You Add Curves in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:18 am

Adding curves to your Figma design is easy! With the pen tool, you can simply click and drag to create curved lines.

To add a curve to an existing line, first select the line with the selection tool, then click on the “Edit points” icon in the top toolbar. This will allow you to add points to the line and curve it however you like.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that adding curves in Figma can be a complex process and may not be suitable for all users. If you are unsure about whether adding curves is right for you, please consult a Figma expert or tutorial before proceeding.

There are a few things to keep in mind when adding curves to your design. First, make sure that the lines you want to curve are selected. If you try to curve a line that is not selected, it will not work.

Second, when adding curves, you may want to zoom in so that you can see what you are doing more clearly. Otherwise, it can be difficult to control the line. Finally, keep in mind that you can always adjust the points on a curve after you have created it by selecting the “Edit points” icon again.

So there you have it! Adding curves to your Figma designs is easy and can really add some flair to your designs. So go ahead and experiment with the pen tool and see what kinds of shapes and lines you can create.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.