Website Building » Joomla » How do you components are added in Joomla?

How do you components are added in Joomla?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:39 am

In Joomla, the components are added in two ways: manually and automatically. Manual components are added by the administrator and are stored in the database.

Automatic components are added by the Joomla! installation script and are stored in a special folder called components.

To add a manual component, the administrator first needs to find the component’s folder in the Joomla! installation script’s components folder. The administrator then needs to copy the component’s folders and files to the Joomla! installation script’s components folder.

The administrator can then activate the component by entering the component’s name in the Site Configuration > Site Components > Component Manager menu item.

PRO TIP: Adding components to Joomla can be done by anyone with access to the backend of a Joomla site. If you’re not careful, you could end up with a lot of unwanted components on your site.

To add an automatic component, the administrator first needs to find the component’s folder in the Joomla! installation script’s components folder.

The administrator can then activate the component by entering the component’s name in the Joomla! installation script’s Site Configuration > Site Components > Component Manager menu item.

Once the component is activated, the administrator can configure the component’s settings in the Site Configuration > Site Components > Component Manager menu item. The administrator can also add the component to a menu item or a template in the Joomla! installation script’s Site Management > Templates > System menu item.

The administrator can also use the Joomla! installation script’s Site Configuration > Site Components > Component Manager menu item to deactivate a component.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.