Web Design » Canva » How Do You Get Gold Effect in Canva?

How Do You Get Gold Effect in Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 5:43 pm

Gold is a popular color for design, and it’s not hard to see why. Gold is luxurious, it stands out, and it has a certain air of sophistication about it. If you’re looking to add a touch of gold to your design, there are a few ways you can do it in Canva.

Add a gold frame
One way to add gold to your design is to simply add a gold frame. This is a quick and easy way to give your design a bit of a luxe feel.

And the best part is, there are tons of different gold frames to choose from in Canva’s library. Simply open up the Elements tab and search for “gold frame.”

PRO TIP: Gold effect in Canva can be achieved by using the built in gold foil graphic. However, this graphic is only for use with the paid version of Canva. If you are using the free version of Canva, you will not be able to access this graphic.

Use gold as an accent color
Another way to use gold in your design is to use it as an accent color. This can be done by adding gold elements or text boxes, or by changing the color of existing elements to gold.

To change the color of an element, simply click on it and then select the “color” option from the top toolbar. Then, choose gold from the color palette.

Overlay gold textures
If you want to really go all out with the gold theme, you can overlay gold textures on top of your design. This will give your design a more luxurious feel and make it really stand out.

To do this, simply open up the Textures tab and search for “gold.” Then, drag and drop the texture onto your design.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.