Web Design » Figma » How do you make a blob in Figma?

How do you make a blob in Figma?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 6:44 pm

Blob is a powerful and easy to use shape tool in Figma. It allows you to create complex shapes easily and quickly. Here are some tips on how to create a blob in Figma:

1. To start, create a new document in Figma.

2. In the toolbar, click on the Blob icon.

3. In the Blob window, click on the Create button.

4. In the Blob window, you will see the options for the Shape tool.

Select the Rectangle tool and create a square.

5. Select the blue square and drag it to the bottom-right corner of the square you created in step 4.

6. With the Rectangle tool still selected, click and hold the blue square and drag it up.

7. Release the mouse button and drag the blue square to the top-left corner of the square you created in step 4.

8. With the Rectangle tool still selected, click and hold the blue square and drag it down.

9. Release the mouse button and drag the blue square to the bottom-left corner of the square you created in step 4.

10. Click and hold the blue square and drag it to the top-right corner of the square you created in step 4.

11. Release the mouse button.

The blue square should have created a blob.

12. To make the blob more complex, you can use the options in the Blob window.

For example, you can add a color, a border, or a texture.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Figma, we recommend that you do not attempt to make a blob. Blobs can be tricky to create, and if done incorrectly, can cause problems with your design.

13. You can also use the Blob window to add text or shapes to the blob.

14. To finish, you can save your blob in the file format of your choice.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.