Web Design » Illustrator » How do you make a faceless portrait in Illustrator?

How do you make a faceless portrait in Illustrator?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 7:03 pm

Making a faceless portrait in Illustrator is a relatively easy process. First, create a basic outline of the person’s head and body. Next, use the Ellipse tool to create a circle around the head and body. Finally, use the Direct Selection tool to select the outline of the head and body, and delete them. This will leave you with a faceless outline.

PRO TIP: When creating a faceless portrait in Illustrator, be sure to take into account the proportions of the face and head. If the portrait is too small, the features of the face may be distorted. Additionally, be sure to create a light source so that the portrait appears three-dimensional.

Next, use the Fill tool to fill the outline with a light gray color. Finally, use the Stroke tool to create a basic outline around the gray color. This will give the outline of the person’s face. To complete the portrait, use the Text tool to add text above and below the faceless outline.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.