Web Design » Illustrator » How do you make an Instagram template in Illustrator?

How do you make an Instagram template in Illustrator?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 7:17 pm

How to make an Instagram template in Illustrator

Making your own Instagram template is a great way to personalize and improve your account’s design. There are a variety of different templates available online, or you can create your own custom template using Illustrator.

To start, open up Illustrator and create a new document.

Next, use the Rectangle tool (M) to create a square or rectangular object on the artboard.

Select the object and go to Object > Expand.

Now, create a new layer above the rectangle and name it “Template.”

In the Template layer, you’ll want to begin creating your template.

To start, create a new layer and name it “Background.”

Next, use the Rectangle tool (M) to create a square or rectangular object on the Background layer.

Now, create a new layer above the rectangle and name it “Border.”

Next, use the Rectangle tool (M) to create a narrow border around the outer edge of the Background layer.

Select the object and go to Object > Lock Aspect Ratio.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with using Adobe Illustrator, we recommend that you do not attempt to create an Instagram template in the program. Adobe Illustrator is a complex vector graphic design program that requires a significant amount of training and experience to use effectively. Without the necessary skills, you may end up creating a template that is unusable or of poor quality.

Next, use the Rectangle tool (M) to create a square or rectangular object on the Border layer.

Now, create a new layer above the rectangle and name it “Text.”

Next, use the Text tool (T) to enter the text you want to appear on the template.

Now, create a new layer above the rectangle and name it “Background Image.”

Next, use the Rectangle tool (M) to create a square or rectangular object on the Background Image layer.

Now, use the Image > Copy option to copy the Background Image layer contents to the clipboard.

Next, use the Image > Paste option to paste the Background Image layer contents into the bottom of the Template layer.

Now, use the Rectangle tool (M) to create a narrow border around the outer edge of the Template layer.

Finally, use the Gradient tool (G) to create a gradient on the Outer Border layer.

Select the object and go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation.

In the Hue/Saturation dialog box, change the values of the “Hue” and “Saturation” fields to “-10” and “100”, respectively.

Select the object and go to Layer > Save As.

Your template is now complete! You can preview it in your account’s profile page or use it to design new Instagram posts.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.