Web Design » InVision » How do you make an interactive prototype in InVision?

How do you make an interactive prototype in InVision?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 8:54 pm

Interactive prototypes are a great way to test out ideas and see how users would interact with them. InVision is a great platform for making interactive prototypes.

There are several different ways to make an interactive prototype in InVision.

PRO TIP: When creating an interactive prototype in InVision, be sure to take care when choosing which elements to make interactive. If too many elements are made interactive, it can create a confusing and cluttered experience for users. Additionally, be sure to test your prototype with real users to get feedback on the interactivity and make sure it is intuitive and easy to use.

One way is to create a prototype using the drag and drop interface. This is a great way to quickly create a prototype that looks like the final product. Another way to create a prototype is to use the storyboard interface.

This allows you to create a prototype with a storyboard that looks like the final product. Finally, you can also use the prototype builder to create a prototype with a more custom look.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.