Web Design » Figma » How Do You Use Reusable Components in Figma?

How Do You Use Reusable Components in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:52 am

Reusable components are a powerful way to build complex interfaces in Figma. By creating and storing components in a central library, you can quickly and easily add them to any file, making your workflow more efficient.

There are two types of reusable components in Figma: local and global. Local reusable components are specific to a single file, while global reusable components can be used in any file.

To create a local reusable component, select the elements you want to include in the component and click the “Create Component” button in the toolbar. This will create a new component in the “Components” panel.

PRO TIP: When working with reusable components in Figma, it is important to be aware of a few potential issues that could arise. First, if you make changes to a component that is being used in multiple places, those changes will be propagated to all instances of the component. This can be desirable in some cases, but can also lead to unexpected results. Secondly, deleting a component that is being used in multiple places can also lead to unexpected results. In some cases, the deleted component will simply be removed from the design, but in other cases it can cause the entire design to break.

To create a global reusable component, select the elements you want to include in the component and click the “Create Global Component” button in the toolbar. This will create a new component in the “Global Components” panel.

You can use reusable components just like any other element in Figma. Simply drag and drop them from the “Components” or “Global Components” panel onto your canvas. Once placed, you can move, resize, and style them just like any other element.

If you need to make changes to a reusable component, simply double-click on it to open the editor. Make your changes and click “Save”. The changes will be applied to all instances of the component, both local and global.

Reusable components are an essential part of building complex interfaces in Figma.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.