Website Building » Shopify » Is Shopify payment free?

Is Shopify payment free?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 2:17 am

Shopify is a platform that allows you to set up a store, and then sell products and services online. When you first sign up for Shopify, you will need to provide your credit card information, and then you will be able to start selling online.

PRO TIP: No, Shopify is not free. There are various fees associated with using Shopify, including monthly subscription fees, transaction fees, and credit card processing fees. Be sure to research all of the potential costs before signing up for a Shopify account.

Shopify is a paid platform, and you will need to pay to use all of the features that the platform has to offer. You can pay for Shopify using a variety of methods, including credit card, PayPal, and bank transfer.

In conclusion, Shopify is a paid platform that offers a variety of features and services. You will need to pay to use all of the features that the platform has to offer, and the prices vary depending on the type of payment that you choose.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.