Web Design » Canva » Is There a Rectangle Frame in Canva?

Is There a Rectangle Frame in Canva?

Last updated on April 22, 2023 @ 3:35 pm

As one of the most popular online design tools, Canva is known for its wide range of templates and easy-to-use interface. However, many users are unaware that the site also offers a wide range of customization options, including the ability to add a rectangular frame.

To add a rectangle frame in Canva, simply select the ‘Elements‘ tab from the left-hand side menu and then search for ‘Rectangle Frames‘ in the search bar.

Click the ‘See all‘ link in the Frames section to open all frame options.

Select your preferred rectangle frame from the options and add it to your canvas.

From here, you can customize the size, color, and opacity of your frame. Once you’re happy with your design, simply add an image inside your frame. You can do this by simply dragging the image inside the frame.

So, whether you’re looking to add a simple border to your design or want to create a more complex frame, Canva’s Elements tab is the perfect solution. Give it a try today and see for yourself!

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the ‘Is There a Rectangle Frame in Canva?’ article contains procedures on how to add a rectangle frame in Canva. Read and follow the procedures carefully to learn it in no time!

Is There a Rectangle Frame in Canva?

Yes, there is a rectangular frame in Canva. To create a rectangle frame in Canva, simply select the ‘Elements’ tab from the left-hand side menu and search for rectangular frames, then select your preferred one.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.