Website Building » WooCommerce » What Are the Product Fields in WooCommerce?

What Are the Product Fields in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:39 pm

WooCommerce is a powerful eCommerce plugin for WordPress. It is used by over 4 million websites worldwide and is popular for its ease of use and flexibility.

WooCommerce has a lot of features, but one of its most powerful features is its product fields. Product fields let you add extra data to your products, which can be used to display additional information, create variations, or add custom functionality.

There are three types of product fields in WooCommerce:

1. General Fields
General fields are the most basic type of product field.

They can be used to add simple data to your products, such as a SKU or price. General fields can be added to any product type.

PRO TIP: The Product Fields in WooCommerce can be used to manage products and inventory, but they can also be used to delete products and their associated data. Use caution when managing products and inventory in WooCommerce, and be sure to backup your data before making any changes.

2. Variation Fields
Variation fields let you add data that varies from one product variation to another.

For example, you could use variation fields to add different prices or images for each size or color of a product. Variation fields can only be added to variable products.

3. Advanced Fields
Advanced fields are the most flexible type of product field.

They can be used to add almost any kind of data to your products, including custom CSS or JavaScript. Advanced fields can be added to any product type.

Product fields are a powerful tool that can be used to improve the functionality and flexibility of your WooCommerce store. If you need more control over your product data, consider using product fields.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.