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What Are the Seller Levels on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:32 pm

As a Fiverr seller, you automatically start out at Level One. Once you complete 10 orders with a rating of 4.7 stars or higher, you move up to Level Two. To reach Level Three, you need to complete 50 orders with a rating of 4.7 stars or higher. And to become a Top Rated seller, you need to complete 100 orders with a rating of 4.

The benefits of moving up the seller levels are greater exposure and more opportunities to win buyers’ trust, which can lead to more sales. For example, when buyers search for certain services on Fiverr, only sellers at certain levels will be shown in the search results.

In addition, as you move up the levels, you unlock new features that can help you boost your sales even further.

So if you’re serious about selling on Fiverr, it’s worth your while to aim for that next level.

PRO TIP: The following article contains information about the different seller levels on Fiverr. Please be aware that this information may not be accurate, and that seller levels may change at any time without notice. Use this information at your own risk.

What Are the Seller Levels on Fiverr?

As a Fiverr seller, there are four different levels that you can achieve- Level One, Level Two, Level Three, and Top Rated.

To move up from Level One to Level Two, you must complete 10 orders with a rating of 4. Once you reach Level Two, this is when you start to unlock new features and get greater exposure on the site. To advance to Level Three, you must complete 50 orders with a rating of 4. And finally, to become a Top Rated seller on Fiverr, you must complete 100 orders with a rating of 4.

The benefits of advancing in seller levels include increased trust from buyers which can lead to more sales opportunities. For example, only sellers at certain levels will be shown in search results when buyers look for specific services.

In conclusion, the seller levels on Fiverr are important to understand if you want to maximize your success as a seller on the site. There are four different levels that sellers can achieve- Level One, Level Two, Level Three and Top Rated. To advance in levels, sellers must complete certain numbers of orders with high star ratings.
Reaching higher levels has many benefits including increased trust from buyers and greater exposure on the site which can lead to more sales opportunities.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.