Website Building » WooCommerce » What Are WooCommerce Categories?

What Are WooCommerce Categories?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:51 am

WooCommerce is a powerful eCommerce plugin that allows you to sell anything online. In order to sell products online, you need to have a way to organize them. That’s where WooCommerce categories come in.

WooCommerce categories are a way to group your products together. You can think of them like folders in a file system. They help you keep your products organized and make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for.

There are two types of WooCommerce categories: product categories and shipping categories. Product categories are used to group products together for organizational purposes. Shipping categories are used to group products together for shipping purposes.

Product categories can be created in the WordPress admin panel under Products -> Categories. Shipping categories can be created in the WordPress admin panel under WooCommerce -> Settings -> Shipping -> Shipping zones.

You can assign a product to multiple product categories and shipping categories. This can be useful if you want to sell the same product in multiple locations or if you want to offer different shipping options for different products.

To assign a product to a category, edit the product and select the category from the dropdown menu. You can also bulk edit products and assign them to categories using the Bulk Edit tool.

When adding or editing a product, you can also set up category-specific pricing rules. This allows you to offer special pricing for products in specific categories. For example, you could offer a 10% discount on all products in the “Sale” category.

Category-specific pricing rules can be found under Products -> Categories -> Category name -> Pricing rules tab.

You can also create subcategories within product categories. Subcategories help you further organize your products and make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for.

To create a subcategory, go to Products -> Categories and click on the “Add New Category” button. Enter the name of the subcategory and select the parent category from the dropdown menu.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.