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What Is a Linked Product WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:20 pm

A linked product in WooCommerce is a product that is connected to another product, called the parent product. The parent product can be a simple or variable product. The child product can be a simple or variable product as well.

When a customer buys the parent product, they will also be able to buy the child product.

The child product will be added to the cart automatically. The child product can be either a physical or digital product.

PRO TIP: This note is to warn you about the potential risks of using the “What Is a Linked Product WooCommerce?” feature on your website. This feature allows you to link products together so that they can be displayed together on your website. However, if you do not properly set up the links, it is possible for customers to click on one product and be taken to a different product page. This could cause confusion and frustration for your customers, and may lead to them leaving your site without making a purchase. Therefore, it is important that you carefully test this feature before using it on your live site.

If the child product is a physical product, then it will be shipped to the customer along with the parent product. If the child product is a digital product, then the customer will be able to download it after they have purchased the parent product.

The advantage of using linked products is that you can upsell or cross-sell products to your customers. For example, if you sell clothes on your WooCommerce store, you could link a pair of shoes to each clothing item. This way, when a customer buys a piece of clothing, they will also be shown the shoes that go with it.

What Is a Linked Product WooCommerce?

A linked product in WooCommerce is simply a product that is connected to anotherproduct – called the parentproduct. The relationship between these two products can offer store owners significant advantages in terms of upselling and cross-selling opportunities with customers.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.