Web Design » Figma » What Is an Overlay in Figma?

What Is an Overlay in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:06 pm

An overlay is a type of Figma design element that is used to add extra information or content on top of an existing design. This can be useful for things like adding tooltips, notes, or even just for adding some extra flair to your design. Overlays can be added to any type of frame in Figma, and they will automatically adjust their size and position to match the frame they are added to.

There are two types of overlays in Figma: fixed and floating. Fixed overlays are attached to a specific frame, and will not move even if the frame is moved or resized. Floating overlays are not attached to any frame, and will move around freely as you move or resize other frames.

To add an overlay, simply select the element you want to add it to and then click the “Add Overlay” button in the toolbar. You can then choose whether you want to add a fixed or floating overlay.

PRO TIP: Overlays are objects that sit on top of other objects in Figma. They can be used to add extra visual interest to a design, or to call out specific elements on a page. However, overlays can also make a design look cluttered and can be difficult to read. Use them sparingly and only when they genuinely improve the look of your design.

Once you’ve added an overlay, you can edit its content by clicking on it and then typing in the text box that appears. You can also change the color of the overlay by clicking on the color swatch next to the text box.

Overlays are a great way to add extra information or content to your designs without having to create new elements. They’re also very easy to edit and change, so you can experiment with different styles and colors until you find something that looks great. So go ahead and try out some overlays in your next Figma project!

Overlays can be a great way to add some extra flair or content to your design in Figma. You can experiment with different styles and colors until you find something that looks great for your project!

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.