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What is AWS fargate?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 5:49 pm

AWS Fargate is a new service from Amazon that lets you run containerized applications on Amazon Web Services. Fargate can launch and manage containers on EC2 instances and provides APIs to access container resources.

Fargate makes it easy to run containerized applications on Amazon Web Services. You can launch and manage containers on EC2 instances using the Fargate API or the Fargate console.

You can also use the Fargate console to manage container images and launch containers from those images.

PRO TIP: AWS fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers that works with both Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Fargate makes it easy to deploy and manage containerized applications without having to worry about server management. However, there are some potential risks to using AWS fargate. First, because it is a serverless platform, you may be subject to increased costs if your application usage spikes. Second, because fargate manages containers, you may have less control over your application than if you were managing it yourself. Finally, fargate does not currently support all of the features of ECS and EKS, so you may need to use other tools to manage your application.

Fargate makes it easy to access container resources. You can use the Fargate API to access container resources such as CPU, memory, and storage.

The biggest benefit of using Fargate is that it makes it easy to run containerized applications on Amazon Web Services. Fargate makes it easy to launch and manage containers on EC2 instances, access container resources, and manage container images.

These features make it easy to run containerized applications on Amazon Web Services.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.