Hosting » Azure » What is Azure AD connect used for?

What is Azure AD connect used for?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:26 pm

Azure AD Connect is a Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) management tool that allows administrators to manage users, groUPS, and roles in their Azure AD-based cloud services. Azure AD Connect can also be used to manage AD-based applications and services in the cloud.

Administrators can use Azure AD Connect to access their users and groUPS from any device or browser, manage user access to resources, and audit user activity.

PRO TIP: Azure AD connect is used as an synchronization tool between an on-premises Active Directory and Azure Active Directory. It can be used to synchronize user accounts, group memberships, and passwords. It is important to note that Azure AD connect is not a security tool and should not be used as such.

Azure AD Connect is a key tool for administrators who want to manage users, groUPS, and roles in their Azure AD-based cloud services. Administrators can use Azure AD Connect to access their users and groUPS from any device or browser, manage user access to resources, and audit user activity.

Azure AD Connect is also a key tool for administrators who want to manage AD-based applications and services in the cloud.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.