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What is Azure monitoring?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 11:19 am

Azure monitoring is a set of tools and services that allow you to detect and diagnose issues in your cloud-based applications and services. Azure monitoring includes both performance monitoring and log monitoring services.

Performance monitoring helps you identify and diagnose issues that may be impacting your application’s performance. Log monitoring helps you identify and diagnose issues that may be impacting your application’s logs. You can use Azure Monitoring to detect issues such as:.

-A high number of errors being logged
-A sudden increase in CPU or memory usage
-A change in the application’s response time

In addition to performance and log monitoring, Azure Monitoring also includes event monitoring capabilities. Event monitoring helps you detect changes in your cloud-based applications and services, such as:

-A new user being added to an application
-A user being removed from an application
-A change in the application’s configuration

Azure Monitoring also includes alerting capabilities. Alerting allows you to receive notifications when specific events occur in your cloud-based applications and services. You can use Azure Monitoring to receive notifications when:

-A threshold has been reached
-A change has been made to an application’s configuration
-An event has been detected

PRO TIP: Azure monitoring is the process of collecting data and analyzing it to help improve the performance and availability of Azure services. It can also help identify issues with Azure resources, such as when a resource is not performing as expected.

Azure Monitoring also includes trend analysis capabilities. Trend analysis allows you to see how the performance and log activity of your applications has changed over time.

You can use trend analysis to identify issues that may have arisen over time and to determine how to address them.

In conclusion, Azure Monitoring is a set of tools and services that allow you to detect and diagnose issues in your cloud-based applications and services. Azure Monitoring includes performance monitoring and log monitoring services. You can use Azure Monitoring to detect issues such as:
-A high number of errors being logged
-A sudden increase in CPU or memory usage
-A change in the application’s response time
-A new user being added to an application
-A user being removed from an application
-A change in the application’s configuration
-A change in the application’s deployment configuration
-An event has been detected
-A change in the application’s behavior
-A change in the environment.

In addition to performance and log monitoring, Azure Monitoring also includes event monitoring capabilities. Event monitoring helps you detect changes in your cloud-based applications and services. Event monitoring includes:
-A new user being added to an application
-A user being removed from an application
-A change in the application’s configuration
-A change in the application’s deployment configuration
-An event has been detected

Azure Monitoring also includes alerting capabilities. You can use Azure Monitoring to receive notifications when:
-A threshold has been reached
-A change has been made to an application’s configuration
-An event has been detected

In addition to trend analysis capabilities, Azure Monitoring includes performance history analysis capabilities. Performance history analysis allows you to see how the performance and log activity of your applications has changed over time.

You can use performance history analysis to identify issues that may have arisen over time and to determine how to address them.

Azure Monitoring is a valuable tool that can help you detect and diagnose issues in your cloud-based applications and services.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.