Web Design » Photoshop » What Is Enable Generator in Photoshop?

What Is Enable Generator in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 11:52 am

Enable Generator in Photoshop is a function that allows you to create image assets in real-time directly from your Photoshop document.

With Enable Generator, you can export image assets as you work on your design, without having to manually save each layer or file type separately.

This can be extremely helpful when working on web or app design projects, as it allows you to quickly export all the necessary image assets for your project in one go.

To use Enable Generator, simply open your Photoshop document and select the “Enable Generator” option from the “File” menu.

PRO TIP: Enable Generator in Photoshop is a feature that allows you to create image assets from your Photoshop design file. While this feature can be helpful, it is also important to note that any time you enable this feature, your Photoshop file will be permanently changed and you will not be able to revert back to the original version.

Once enabled, you can then choose which layers you want to export as image assets.

To do this, simply select the layer or group of layers that you want to export and click the “Export” button in the Generator panel.

You can then choose the file format, quality and resolution for your exported asset.

Enable Generator in Photoshop is an extremely helpful tool for quickly exporting image assets for web or app design projects. Simply open your Photoshop document and select the “Enable Generator” option from the “File” menu to get started.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.