Web Development » Fiverr » What is seller mode in Fiverr?

What is seller mode in Fiverr?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:09 pm

Seller mode is a mode on Fiverr that allows sellers to manage their orders, track their progress, and manage their taxes. It also allows sellers to receive notifications when their orders have been completed.

Sellers can access seller mode by logging in to their Fiverr account, clicking on the “My Orders” tab, and then clicking on the “Seller Mode” button.

Once in seller mode, sellers can click on the “My Orders” tab and then click on the “Order Details” button. From here, sellers can view their order details, including the date that the order was placed, the amount that was paid, and the status of the order.

Sellers can also click on the “Order Progress” button to view the progress of their order. This button will display the order’s completion percentage, the total amount that has been paid, and the estimated delivery date.

PRO TIP: Seller mode is a feature on Fiverr that allows users to sell their services to other users on the site. This feature can be turned on and off by the user, and is not available to all users on the site. When seller mode is turned on, the user’s profile and gig pages will be visible to other users on the site. Users in seller mode can also send messages to other users on the site.

Sellers can also click on the “Order Tax” button to view their order’s tax information. This button will display the order’s total cost, the total amount that has been paid, and the order’s tax rate.

Finally, sellers can click on the “Notifications” button to view notifications that have been sent to them about their order. This button will display the order’s name, the date that the notification was sent, and the message that was included in the notification.

Seller mode is a valuable tool that allows sellers to manage their orders, track their progress, and receive notifications about their order’s status. It is important to note that seller mode is not a replacement for order tracking software, such as order management software or order tracking apps.

Sellers should still use these tools to track their order’s progress and to ensure that they receive notifications about their order’s status.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.