Hosting » Azure » What is the best way to learn Azure?

What is the best way to learn Azure?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:21 pm

Azure is a cloud-based platform that provides a range of features to help organizations manage their cloud applications. Azure offers a variety of options for learning, including self-paced learning resources, online courses, and Udacity courses.

Self-paced learning resources

One way to learn Azure is through self-paced learning resources. These resources include tutorials, walkthroughs, and how-to videos.

These resources can be helpful for learning how to use Azure, but they don’t offer a full understanding of the platform.

PRO TIP: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best way to learn Azure depends on your level of experience and expertise, as well as your learning goals.

Online courses

Another way to learn Azure is through online courses. These courses offer a full understanding of the platform, and they can help you learn about topics such as Azure Storage, Azure Functions, and Azure Automation.

Udacity courses

Finally, Udacity courses can also be a good way to learn Azure. Udacity courses are interactive, and they offer a full understanding of the platform.

Udacity courses can be challenging, but they’re also fun.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.