Web Design » Canva » What Is the Font Used in Canva Logo?

What Is the Font Used in Canva Logo?

Last updated on February 4, 2024 @ 2:15 pm

The font used in the Canva logo is a custom typeface called Canva Sans.

Canva Sans was designed specifically for the Canva brand, and is used across all of our marketing materials.

The font is a clean and modern sans-serif typeface that is easy to read at any size. It has a slightly rounded letterform which gives it a friendly feeling, while still maintaining a professional look.

Canva Sans is available in both regular and bold weights, allowing us to use it for both headings and body copy. We also have a special ‘Canva Black’ weight which is used for our branding, such as in the Canva app logo.

If you’re looking for a similar font to use in your own designs, we recommend trying out some of these sans-serif typefaces:

What Is the Font Used in Canva Logo?

The font used in the Canva logo is a custom typeface called Canva Sans.

PRO TIP: The font used in Canva logo is a proprietary font and is not available for public use. Anyone found using this font without prior written permission from Canva will be subject to legal action.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.