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What is UX vs UI?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 8:51 pm

UX vs UI: What is the Difference?

User experience (UX) is the overall experience of using a product or service. This includes the things that the user sees, feels, and does while using the product.

User interface (UI) is the look and feel of the user interface, including how it appears onscreen and how users interact with it.

UX is about creating a great experience for the user from start to finish. UI is about creating a user interface that is easy to use and looks good.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that “UX vs UI” is a potentially dangerous topic. There is a lot of misunderstanding and confusion around what UX is and what UI is, and people often make the mistake of thinking that they are the same thing. This can lead to problems when trying to design or improve user experience, as people may not be clear on what they should be focusing on. It is therefore important to be careful when discussing this topic, and to make sure that everyone involved has a good understanding of the difference between UX and UI.

UX is about making the entire user experience enjoyable, while UI is about making the user interface look good and function well.

UX is about understanding the user and their needs. UI is about making the user interface look good and function well.

UX is about creating a great user experience, while UI is about making the user interface look good and function well.


Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.