Website Building » WordPress » What is WordPress and its features?

What is WordPress and its features?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:25 am

WordPress is a free and open source content management system (CMS) used to create websites and blogs. WordPress was created by Automattic, Inc., a company based in San Francisco. WordPress is available in a variety of languages and can be installed on a server or on a user’s computer.

PRO TIP: What is WordPress and its features?

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that enables you to create a website or blog from scratch, or to improve an existing website. It’s a free and open-source platform that is used by millions of people around the world, including many large organizations, such as The Guardian, Forbes, and The New York Times.


1. WordPress is easy to use: even if you’ve never created a website before, you can create a beautiful website with WordPress. There are tons of free resources available to help you get started, including’s own step-by-step guide.

2. WordPress is customizable: there are thousands of themes and plugins available for WordPress, so you can make your website look and function exactly how you want it to. You can also hire a developer to create a custom theme or plugin for you.

3. WordPress is reliable: because it’s used by so many people, it’s constantly being improved and updated. This means that you can rest assured knowing that your website will always be up-to-date and running smoothly.

4. WordPress is secure: while

WordPress is versatile and can be used for a wide variety of websites and blogs. WordPress is popular for its simplicity, ease of use, and its widespread availability.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.