Website Building » WooCommerce » What Table Are WooCommerce Orders Stored?

What Table Are WooCommerce Orders Stored?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 4:31 pm

PRO TIP: WooCommerce Orders are stored in the wp_posts table by default. However, this can be changed by filters. If you change the default location of WooCommerce Orders, make sure you update any filters that are in place to reflect the new location.

All data associated with a WooCommerce order is stored in the WordPress database. This includes order data, product data, customer data, and any other data related to the order. The database table that stores this information is called the “posts” table.

The posts table is where all post types are stored, including posts, pages, attachments, and custom post types. Each post type has its own database table, so the WooCommerce orders are stored in the “wp_woocommerce_orders” table.

This table stores all of the data associated with a WooCommerce order. This includes the order ID, customer ID, billing and shipping information, product IDs, line items, taxes, shipping costs, and more.

To view the data in this table, you can use the WordPress database management tool of your choice. For example, if you’re using phpMyAdmin, you can select the “wp_woocommerce_orders” table from the left-hand sidebar.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.