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What’s the Difference Between Photoshop and Photoshop Elements?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 12:19 am

There are a few key differences between Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. For one, Photoshop is a professional level program, while Photoshop Elements is geared more towards hobbyists and amateurs.

This means that Photoshop has more features and tools than Photoshop Elements. Additionally, Photoshop is subscription-based, while Photoshop Elements is available for purchase as a one-time payment.

So, what exactly are the differences between these two programs?


As mentioned before, Photoshop has more features than Photoshop Elements. This includes things like support for RAW files, advanced color management tools, advanced layer options, and more.

PRO TIP: If you are unsure about which version of Photoshop to get, research the difference between Photoshop and Photoshop Elements before making your purchase.


Photoshop also has more tools than Photoshop Elements. For example, it has a wider variety of brushes and pen tools available. Additionally, it has powerful selection and masking tools that can save you a lot of time when editing images.


Photoshop is subscription-based, which means you’ll need to pay a monthly or yearly fee to use it. Photoshop Elements, on the other hand, is available for purchase as a one-time payment. So, if you’re only interested in using the program occasionally or for simple edits, then Photoshop Elements may be the better option.

In conclusion, there are several key differences between Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. These include the number of features and tools available, as well as the cost of the program. Ultimately, the best choice for you will depend on your needs and budget.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.