Website Building » WooCommerce » Where Do I Put Custom CSS in WooCommerce?

Where Do I Put Custom CSS in WooCommerce?

Last updated on January 16, 2023 @ 2:21 pm

If you want to add custom CSS to your WooCommerce site, there are a few different places you can do it. In this article, we’ll show you where to add custom CSS in WooCommerce.

The first place you can add custom CSS to your WooCommerce site is in the Customizer. To access the Customizer, go to Appearance > Customize.

Once you’re in the Customizer, you’ll see a panel on the left side called Additional CSS. This is where you can add your custom CSS.

If you want to add CSS to a specific page or post, you can do that by editing the page or post and adding the CSS in the Custom CSS field that’s available in the Editor screen. Simply edit the page or post, scroll down to the Custom CSS field, and add your CSS.

Another place you can add custom WooCommerce CSS is in a child theme. If you’re not familiar with child themes, they’re basically themes that inherit the code from another theme (the “parent” theme).

The benefit of using a child theme is that when the parent theme is updated, your changes aren’t overwritten. This means that if there’s ever an update to WooCommerce that introduces new HTML or CSS, you won’t have to worry about your changes being overwritten.

To add custom WooCommerce CSS to a child theme:

  1. Create a folder called woocommerce in your child theme directory.

  2. Create a file called style.css in the woocommerce folder.

  3. Add your custom WooCommerce CSS to the style.css file and save it.

That’s it! Now your custom WooCommerce CSS will be loaded from your child theme.

In conclusion, there are a few different places where you can add custom CSS to your WooCommerce site. The most common places are in the Customizer, in a child theme, or in the Custom CSS field on individual pages and posts.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.