Website Building » WooCommerce » Where Is the WooCommerce Language File?

Where Is the WooCommerce Language File?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:56 am

If you’re new to WooCommerce, you might be wondering where the language file is located. The answer is that it depends on your theme.

If you’re using a default WooCommerce theme, then the language file will be located in your theme’s folder. If you’re using a custom WooCommerce theme, then the language file will be located in the WooCommerce plugin folder.

To find the WooCommerce language file, first open your WordPress dashboard and go to appearance > editor. From here, you will be able to see all of the files that make up your website.

If you’re using a default WooCommerce theme, then look for a file called wc-template-functions.php. If you’re using a custom WooCommerce theme, then look for a file called wc-template-hooks.

Once you’ve found the correct file, open it up and search for the following line of code:

$locale = get_locale();

This line of code tells WordPress what language to use for your website. If you want to change the language of your WooCommerce store, then all you need to do is change this line of code to reflect the new language that you want to use. For example, if you wanted to use French as your store’s language, then you would change this line of code to:

$locale = ‘fr_FR’;

Once you’ve made this change, save the file and refresh your website. You should now see your WooCommerce store in the new language that you’ve selected!

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.