Website Building » WooCommerce » Why add to cart is not working in WooCommerce?

Why add to cart is not working in WooCommerce?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:26 pm

If you’ve been experiencing trouble with the “add to cart” button not working in your WooCommerce store, there may be a simple solution. First, make sure you’re using the most up-to-date version of WooCommerce. Older versions may not support the “add to cart” button in the same way as the latest version. Second, make sure you’re using the correct version of the WooCommerce plugin. Some plugins may require a different version of WooCommerce in order to work properly with the “add to cart” button.

PRO TIP: If you are having issues with the “add to cart” button in WooCommerce, there are a few potential causes.

First, check to see if there are any JavaScript errors on the page. WooCommerce uses JavaScript for the “add to cart” functionality, so if there are any errors, this could be causing the issue.

Another potential cause is a conflict with another plugin or theme. Try deactivating all plugins and themes except for WooCommerce and see if the issue persists. If it does, try switching to a default WordPress theme like Twenty Seventeen.

If you’re still having trouble, reach out to the WooCommerce support team for help.

Last, make sure you’re using the correct version of the “add to cart” plugin. Some plugins may require a different plugin version in order to work properly with the “add to cart” button. If all of the above tests come back negative, it may be that the “add to cart” button is not working because of a plugin issue. In this case, you’ll need to contact the plugin author for assistance.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.