Web Design » Photoshop » Why Can’t I Use the Eraser Tool in Photoshop?

Why Can’t I Use the Eraser Tool in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 12:19 pm

If you’ve ever tried to use the eraser tool in Photoshop, you may have noticed that it doesn’t work the way you expect it to. The eraser tool is designed to remove pixels from an image, but it doesn’t work on all images. Here’s a closer look at why the eraser tool doesn’t work on some images:

When you open an image in Photoshop, the program automatically creates a layer for the image. The eraser tool can only remove pixels from the top layer of an image.

This means that if you try to use the eraser tool on a background layer, nothing will happen. In order to use the eraser tool on a background layer, you first need to convert the layer into a normal layer. You can do this by right-clicking on the layer and selecting “Convert to Normal Layer” from the drop-down menu.

PRO TIP: The Eraser tool in Photoshop is not designed to be used on every layer. It is intended to be used on the Background layer to remove color or pixels.

Another reason why the eraser tool may not work is because the layer you’re trying to erase is locked. A locked layer cannot be edited in any way. In order to unlock a layer, simply click on the “Lock” icon in the Layers panel and then try using the eraser tool again.

The final reason why you may not be able to use the eraser tool is because your image is in Indexed Color mode. Indexed Color mode is used for GIF and PNG images that only use a limited number of colors.

The eraser tool cannot be used in Indexed Color mode because there are no pixels to erase. If you want to use the eraser tool on an indexed image, you first need to convert the image into RGB Color mode.


The main reason why you can’t use the eraser tool in Photoshop is because the image is on a locked background layer or because it’s in Indexed Color mode.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.