Website Building » Squarespace » Why Is Squarespace Resizing My Images?

Why Is Squarespace Resizing My Images?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:28 am

When you upload an image to Squarespace, our platform automatically generates multiple versions of that image at different sizes. This ensures that your images look great on every device, without any extra work on your part.

When you select an image in the Image Editor, you’ll see options to change the focal point, crop, and adjust the size. If you change the size of your image using the Image Editor, we’ll automatically generate a new set of resized images.

PRO TIP: If you are using Squarespace to resize your images, be aware that it may not always resize them correctly. Sometimes, Squarespace will resize your images to fit the width of the page, but not the height, which can lead to distorted or stretched images. If you want to ensure that your images are always resized correctly, we recommend using an image editing program like Photoshop or GIMP instead.

The reason we resize images is to ensure that they look their best on every device. By generating multiple versions of each image, we can make sure that your site loads quickly and looks sharp on retina displays and other high-resolution screens.

Why Is Squarespace Resizing My Images?

The answer is simple: to ensure that your images look great on every device!


Squarespace resizes images to create multiple versions of each image at different sizes. This is to make sure that images look their best on every device for a quick site load time and sharp retina display.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.