Web Design » Photoshop » Can You Wrap in Photoshop?

Can You Wrap in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:57 pm

Whether you’re a web designer, graphic artist, or just someone who likes to play around with images, you’ve probably used Adobe Photoshop before. Photoshop is a great program for manipulating images and creating graphics, but one thing it’s not so good at is text wrapping.

If you’ve ever tried to wrap text around an image in Photoshop, you know that it can be a bit of a pain. But there is a way to wrap text in Photoshop, it just takes a little bit of work.

First, open up the image you want to wrap text around in Photoshop. Then, create a new layer by clicking on the “Create a new layer” icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.

Next, use the Type tool to create some text on the new layer. You can choose whatever font and color you want. Once you have your text created, position it how you want it to appear in relation to the image.

PRO TIP: Can You Wrap in Photoshop?

We strongly recommend against wrapping your Photoshop project in a tight bundle. While this may save you some file space, it can cause problems when you try to open the project later on. The file may become corrupted, or you may not be able to access all of the layers and elements.

Now comes the tricky part: making the text wrap around the image. To do this, you need to use the Pen tool.

With the Pen tool selected, click around the edge of the image to create a path. Be sure to click on each corner of the image; if you don’t, the text won’t wrap correctly.

Once you’ve created your path, go back to the Type tool and click on the “Text along path” icon. This will make your text follow the path you just created.

And that’s it! You’ve now successfully wrapped text around an image in Adobe Photoshop.

While Adobe Photoshop is not known for its ability to easily wrap text around images, with a little bit of work it is possible to do so. By using the Pen tool to create a path around an image and then using the “Text along path” feature of the Type tool, web designers and graphic artists can create interesting effects with their images and text.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.