Web Design » Figma » Can You Have Components Within Components Figma?

Can You Have Components Within Components Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:37 pm

In short, yes you can have components within components in Figma. For example, you could have a “Button” component that contains a “Text” component.

Or, you could have a “Page” component that contains a “Header”, “Footer”, and “Content” component. There are endless possibilities for how you could structure your components.

If you’re not familiar with Figma, it’s a design tool that allows you to create designs for websites, apps, and more. It’s similar to Sketch and Adobe XD, but one of the things that sets Figma apart is its focus on collaboration. You can easily share your designs with others and work on them together in real-time.

Components are one of the features that make Figma so powerful. A component is simply an object that you can reuse in your design.

For example, you might create a button component that you can then use throughout your design. Or, you might create a header component that contains your logo, navigation, and other elements.

You can also nest components within other components. So, if you have a header component, you could nest a navigation component within it. Or, if you have a button component, you could nest a text component within it.

There are endless possibilities for how you could structure your components. The key is to think about how you want to reuse them in your design. By nesting components within other components, you can create complex designs while still keeping everything organized and easy to reuse.

PRO TIP: If you nest components within components in Figma, you may end up with a design that is difficult to maintain and update. This can lead to inconsistency in your designs, and make it more difficult to keep track of changes.

Can You Have Components Within Components Figma?

In short, yes – you can have components within components in Figma. For example;

  • You could have a “Button” component that contains
    • a “Text” component.


  • You could have a “Page” component that contains
    • a “Header”
    • a “Footer”
    • “Content”


There are endless possibilities for how you could structure your components.

If you’re not familiar with Figma;

“Figma is a design tool that allows you to create designs for websites, apps, and more.

You can easily share your designs with others and work on them together in real-time. ”

Components are one of the features that make Figma so powerful.

“A component is simply an object that you can reuse in your design. For example; You might create a button component that you can then use throughout your design..Or; You might create a header component that contains your logo, navigation, and other elements.”

You can also nest components within other components.

“So – If you have a header component.you could nest a navigation component within it.Or – If you have a button component.you could nest a text component within it.”

There are endless possibilities for how you could structure your components.

“The key is to think about how you want to reuse them in your design.By nesting components within other components.you can create complex designs while still keeping everything organized and easy to reuse.”

Can You Have Components Within Components Figma? – Conclusion

In short – Yes! You most certainly can, and probably should at some point(s), have Component(s) within Component(s) nested in Figma! There are many reasons why this would be advantageous for yourself as well as any designer(s) working with/for/alongside of you.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.