Web Design » Figma » How Do You Get Component Variants in Figma?

How Do You Get Component Variants in Figma?

Last updated on November 25, 2022 @ 5:12 pm

Component variants are a powerful way to manage design components in Figma. By creating variants of a component, you can quickly switch between different versions of that component, without having to create separate instances. For example, you could create a variant for each color of a button component.

To create a variant of a component:

    1. Select the component in the canvas or the Components panel.

    2. Click the Add Variant button in the Inspector panel.

    3. Enter a name for the variant and press Enter/Return.

    4. Make the changes to the component that you want to include in this variant.

    5. To switch between variants, click the Variant dropdown in the Inspector panel and select the variant that you want to use.

Component variants are an easy way to manage different versions of the same design component in Figma. By creating variants of a component, you can quickly switch between different versions without having to create separate instances.

To create a variant of a component:

  1. Select the component in the canvas or Components panel
  2. Click the Add Variant button in the Inspector panel
  3. Enter a name for the variant and press Enter/Return
  4. Make changes to the component that you want included in this variant
  5. To switch between variants, click on the Variant dropdown menu in the Inspector panel and select desired variant

How Do You Get Component Variants in Figma?

Component variants are an easy way to manage different versions of design components within Figma – by creating variants of components, users can quickly switch between versions without having to create separate instances.

PRO TIP: Component variants in Figma allow you to create multiple versions of a component that share the same underlying structure. This can be useful for creating different states of a component (e.g. hover, active, disabled) or for creating different sizes of a component. However, it is important to note that changes made to a component variant will not be reflected in other variants of the same component. This means that you need to be careful when making changes to component variants, as you could unintentionally break something elsewhere in your design.
  1. To create a variant of a component: start by selecting the desired component within either the canvas or Components panel, then clicking on “Add Variant” within the Inspector panel.
  2. Entering a name for the variant and pressing “Enter/Return”. Next, make changes to said component that should be included within this new variant. Users can then switch between variants by clicking on “Variant” dropdown menu within Inspector panel – selecting desired variant from those available.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.