Web Design » Figma » Can You Link Buttons in Figma?

Can You Link Buttons in Figma?

Last updated on January 10, 2023 @ 5:17 am

Figma is a great tool for designing user interfaces, and one of its most powerful features is the ability to link buttons. By linking buttons, you can create complex interactions and animations without writing any code.

Linking buttons in Figma is easy. Just select the button that has the text overlay that you want to link, then click the “Link” icon in the toolbar.1. Adding link to the button with text overlay A dialog box will appear where you can enter the URL you want to link to.2. Adding link to the text overlayAfter that, change the text decoration to None.3. Changing the text decoration to None

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about linking buttons in Figma, think again! This is not possible and if you try to do it, you will likely end up with a broken design.

Once you’ve linked your button, you can test it by clicking the “Preview” button in the toolbar. Your linked button will be interactive in the preview, so you can see how it will work in your final design.4.1 Result of the Linked ButtonIf you’re working on a complex interaction or animation, you may need to use multiple linked buttons. For example, you could create a button that changes color when you hover over it, and another button that plays a sound when you click it. By linking these buttons together, you can create a sophisticated interaction without writing any code.

So, can you link buttons in Figma? Absolutely! Linking buttons is easy and a great way to create complex interactions without writing any code.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.