Website Building » Shopify » Does Shopify have a product limit?

Does Shopify have a product limit?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 2:38 am

Shopify is a popular ecommerce platform that allows users to create their own stores. It has a wide range of features, and users can create their own products or use Shopify’s built-in products.

Shopify does have a product limit. However, this limit is not set in stone. The limit is based on the amount of storage space on a user’s account. If a user exceeds the product limit, they can continue to use the platform but their products will not be displayed on the homepage.

PRO TIP: Yes. Shopify has a product limit of 2,500 for their Basic plan, 5,000 for their Shopify plan, and 10,000 for their Advanced plan. If you exceed these limits, you will need to upgrade your plan.

The limit is also based on the number of products a user has created. If a user has created 100 products, they will have a product limit of 1000 products. If a user has created 10,000 products, they will have a product limit of 100,000 products.

Overall, Shopify does have a product limit. However, this limit is adjustable and can be increased if needed.

So, if you need to create more products, you can do so without worry.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.