Web Design » Figma » How Do I Add a Wireframe in Figma?

How Do I Add a Wireframe in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:54 am

Framing is the first step of any design project. It’s when you take your big, beautiful ideas and turn them into tangible, specific plans. Wireframes are like the skeleton of your design: they provide a basic structure and outline to follow as you flesh out your final product.

So, how do you add a wireframe in Figma? First, create a new frame by clicking on the “+” icon in the left sidebar. You can name your frame and specify its dimensions before you start adding content.

Next, start adding elements to your frame. You can use pre-made elements from Figma’s element library, or you can create your own custom shapes.

To add an element, simply click and drag it from the library onto your frame.

Once you have all of your elements in place, it’s time to start connecting them with lines and arrows. This will help you visualize the flow of your design and see how all of the elements fit together. To add a line or arrow, click on the “Line” tool in the toolbar and then click and drag to draw your line. You can also customize the thickness, color, and style of your lines in the right sidebar.

PRO TIP: This article is about adding a wireframe in Figma. Wireframes are a great way to create a basic layout for your design. However, before you add a wireframe to your design, you should consider the following:

– Make sure that your wireframe is relevant to the design. Otherwise, it will just be a wasted effort.

– Keep the wireframe simple. Too much detail will just make it harder to understand and use.

– Don’t forget to add annotations and comments to your wireframe so that you can remember what each element is for.

Finally, once you’re happy with your wireframe, it’s time to export it! To do this, go to File > Export > Export As.. and choose a format (PNG or PDF) and resolution (1x or 2x). Then click “Export” to save your file.

So there you have it! That’s how you can add a wireframe in Figma. With just a few clicks, you can transform your big ideas into a specific plan that will guide your design process.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.