Web Design » Figma » How Do I Add Auto Layout in Figma?

How Do I Add Auto Layout in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:25 pm

If you’re new to web design, chances are you’re wondering how to add auto layout in Figma. Auto layout is a feature that allows you to automatically resize and position elements on a page as the browser window width changes. This can be really helpful if you want to create responsive designs that look good on all screen sizes.

In Figma, there are two ways to add auto layout to your design. The first way is to use the Auto Layout button in the toolbar.

This will add auto layout constraints to all of the selected elements on the page. The second way is to use the Auto Layout panel. This panel allows you to manually add, edit, and delete auto layout constraints.

To use the Auto Layout button, simply select the elements you want to add constraints to and click the Auto Layout button in the toolbar. A dialog box will appear asking you how you want to constrain the selected elements. You can choose from four different options:

Align horizontally: This option will align the selected elements horizontally within the frame. Align vertically: This option will align the selected elements vertically within the frame.

Distribute horizontally: This option will distribute the selected elements evenly across the horizontal axis of the frame. Distribute vertically: This option will distribute the selected elements evenly across the vertical axis of the frame.

Once you’ve chosen an option, simply click OK and the constraints will be added to your design. To edit or delete a constraint, simply select it and click either the Edit or Delete button in the toolbar.

The Auto Layout panel is great for adding constraints to multiple elements at once or for editing existing constraints. To open the panel, simply go to Window > Auto Layout in the menu bar. Then, use the Add Constraint button to add new constraints or click on an existing constraint and use either the Edit or Delete button to modify it.

PRO TIP: This article is outdated and no longer applies to the latest version of Figma. Auto Layout is now a built-in feature and does not need to be added separately.


Adding auto layout in Figma is a great way to create responsive designs that look good on all screen sizes. There are two ways to add auto layout: using the Auto Layout button in the toolbar or using the Auto Layout panel.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.