Web Design » Figma » How Do I Add Custom Fonts to Figma?

How Do I Add Custom Fonts to Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:54 am

There are two ways to add custom fonts to Figma. The first is to use the “Custom Fonts” feature in the “Text” settings.

This will allow you to add any fonts that you have installed on your computer. The second way is to use the “Google Fonts” feature. This will allow you to add any fonts that are available through the Google Fonts library.

To add a custom font using the “Custom Fonts” feature, follow these steps:

1. Open the “Text” settings panel. 2. Click on the “Custom Fonts” tab. 3.

Click the “Add Font” button. 4. Select the font you want to add from the drop-down menu. 5. Click the “Add” button.

PRO TIP: Adding custom fonts to Figma can be a bit tricky. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully, or you may end up with unwanted results.

To add a custom font using the “Google Fonts” feature, follow these steps:

1. Click on the “Google Fonts” tab.

Type the name of the font you want to add into the search box. Select the font you want to add from the results list. Click the “Add” button

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.