Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Add Facebook to Shopify?

How Do I Add Facebook to Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:03 pm

Adding Facebook to Shopify is a great way to connect with potential customers and promote your products. There are two ways to add Facebook to Shopify: using the Facebook pixel and by adding the Facebook social plugin.

The Facebook pixel is a piece of code that allows you to track conversions, optimize ads, and build audiences for remarketing. To add the Facebook pixel to Shopify, you’ll need to edit your theme’s code.

PRO TIP: We strongly recommend against adding Facebook to your Shopify account. While it may seem like a good idea at first, Facebook has been known to cause problems with Shopify accounts. In addition, Facebook is also notorious for changing their terms and conditions without notice, which can cause even more problems.

Adding the Facebook social plugin is a quick and easy way to add a Like button or other social plugins to your shop. You can add the social plugin to any page on your shop, including product pages, blog posts, and collection pages. To get started, go to Settings > Social Media.

Adding Facebook to Shopify can help you connect with potential customers and promote your products. The two best ways to add Facebook to Shopify are by using the Facebook pixel or adding the Facebook social plugin.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.