Web Design » Figma » How Do I Add Icons to Figma Wireframe?

How Do I Add Icons to Figma Wireframe?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:55 am

Adding icons to your Figma wireframes is a great way to add visual interest and style to your designs. There are a few different ways to do this, and each has its own benefits.

One way to add icons is to use the Figma library. This is a great option if you want to use pre-made icons that are already styled and ready to go.

To use the Figma library, simply click on the “Libraries” tab in the left sidebar and then search for the icons you want to use. Once you’ve found the icons you want, simply drag and drop them into your wireframe.

PRO TIP: This article contains instructions on how to add icons to a Figma wireframe. However, it is important to note that adding icons to a wireframe can potentially complicate the design and make it more difficult to read. As such, it is advisable to only add icons if they are absolutely necessary and will improve the clarity of the design.

Another way to add icons is to use an external icon library. This is a great option if you want more control over the style of your icons.

To use an external icon library, simply find the icons you want to use online and then download them. Once you have the icons, you can upload them into Figma by clicking on the “Files” tab in the left sidebar and then selecting “Upload from your computer. ”

Once you’ve added your icons, you can style them by clicking on them and then using the “Stroke” and “Fill” options in the right sidebar. You can also change their size by clicking on them and then using the “Size” option in the right sidebar.

Adding icons is a great way to add visual interest and style to your designs in Figma. You can either use pre-madeicons from the Figma library or find external icon libraries for more control over the style of your icons.

To style your icons, use the “Stroke” and “Fill” options in the right sidebar.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.