Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Change Quantity in WooCommerce?

How Do I Change Quantity in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:01 pm

If you’re running a WooCommerce store, you’ve probably noticed that there’s no default way to change the quantity of items in your cart. This can be a problem if you want to sell products in bulk, or if you need to change the quantity of a product for any other reason.

Luckily, there are a few different ways to change the quantity of items in your WooCommerce cart. In this article, we’ll show you how to do it using the WooCommerce Bulk Stock Management plugin, the WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities plugin, and the WP All Import plugin.

Method 1: Change Quantity Using the WooCommerce Bulk Stock Management Plugin

The first method we’ll show you is by far the easiest. If you’re running a WooCommerce store, chances are you’re already using the WooCommerce Bulk Stock Management plugin. This plugin is designed to make it easy to manage large quantities of products in your store.

To use this plugin to change quantities, simply go to WooCommerce > Products > Bulk Edit. From here, select the products you want to edit, then select Change stock quantities from the dropdown menu.

Enter the new quantities for each product, then click Update. That’s it! Your products will now have the new quantities.

PRO TIP: If you are considering changing the quantity of a product in WooCommerce, be aware that this may have unintended consequences.

Changing the quantity of a product can affect your inventory levels, as well as any pricing or shipping rules that you have set up. If you are not careful, it is easy to make a mistake that could cost you money.

Before changing the quantity of any product in WooCommerce, be sure to understand how it will impact your business.

Method 2: Change Quantity Using the WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities Plugin

If you’re not using the WooCommerce Bulk Stock Management plugin, don’t worry. There’s another plugin that can help you change quantities in your store. The WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities plugin is designed to help you manage minimum and maximum quantities for products in your store. But it can also be used to change quantities without changing any other settings.

To use this plugin to change quantities, go to WooCommerce > Products > Min/Max Quantities. From here, select the products you want to edit, then select Change stock quantity only.

Enter the new quantities for each product and click Update.

Method 3: Change Quantity Using WP All Import

If you’re not using either of the plugins mentioned above, don’t worry. There’s one more method you can use to change quantities in your store. The WP All Import plugin can be used to import data from a CSV file into your WordPress site. This includes product data like prices and stock levels.

To use this method, first download a CSV file containing your product data. Make sure that this file includes columns for both SKU and stock level. Once you have your CSV file ready, go to > WP All Import > Add New Import .

Note: If you’ve never used WP All Import before, we recommend reading our documentation on importing data with WP All Import.

Once you’re on the > WP All Import > Add New Import > page, select your CSV file and click > Continue >.

On the next page, select > Update existing records > from the > How should WP All Import handle duplicates? > dropdown menu.

Then click > Continue > again.

On the next page, map your CSV columns to their respective fields in WordPress. For our example, we’ll map the SKU column to the SKU field and map the stock level column to Stock field . Once you’ve done that, click Continue

On the next page, leave all of the default settings as they are and click Continue

Finally, click , then click Run import now &#187 ; . Your products will now have their new stock levels., then click run import now >> .” />&#187 ; .&#187 ; . Yourproducts willnow havenewtheirstocklevels.” />&#187 ;.

Products > Bulk Edit’.

From here you can select which products need updated quantites and enter inthe new numbers before clicking ‘Update’. If this isn’t an option for whatever reason, another popular choice is usingthe ‘WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities’ located under ‘Woo Commerce > Products’. This time around after selecting which items need updated quantities,’Change

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.