Website Building » Elementor » How do I change the section structure in an Elementor?

How do I change the section structure in an Elementor?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:21 am

An Elementor can be a powerful tool for creating and managing content, but it can be difficult to change the section structure. Here are some tips to help you adjust the layout:

1. Use the “Section” tab to control the layout.

2. Use the “Auto Layout” feature to automatically adjust the layout according to the content.

3. Use the “Section Formatting” tab to style the section content.

4. Use the “Section Navigation” tab to control the order of the sections.

5. Use the “Section Headers” tab to add section headings and content.

6. Use the “Section Footers” tab to add section footers and content.

7. Use the “Content” tab to add content to individual sections.

8. Use the “Insert” tab to add new sections or content.

9. Use the “Delete” tab to delete sections or content.

10. Use the “Format” tab to format the content in the section.

11. Use the “Advanced” tab to customize the Elementor settings.

12. Use the “Help” tab to learn more about the Elementor features.

Overall, adjusting the section structure in an Elementor is fairly easy, and the “Section Formatting” and “Section Navigation” tabs are especially helpful for organizing the content.

PRO TIP: If you change the section structure in Elementor, your changes will not be saved. Make sure you save your changes before you leave the page.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.