Web Design » Illustrator » How do I convert PNG to SVG in Illustrator?

How do I convert PNG to SVG in Illustrator?

Last updated on December 2, 2022 @ 7:45 am

There are a few ways to convert PNG files to SVG in Illustrator. You can use File > Export > Export as.1 Export AsThen select SVG from the list of options in Save as type and click “Export”.2. Export3.Click “OK” to Export your PNG to SVG in Illustrator.3 Export - OK

You can also use the “Save as” option, which you can find in the Illustrator menu bar or you can just press shift + ctrl + s.1 Save as in File Menu2.  Enter your File Name, and make sure that you choose SVG in the Save as type options.2 Save3. Click “OK” to Export your PNG to SVG in Illustrator.3 Click OkIf you’ve selected the SVG export option, you’ll be presented with a dialog box that allows you to specify various parameters. The most important ones are the source file and the destination file.

PRO TIP: PNG to SVG conversion is not an easy task and should only be attempted by experienced users. If you are not sure about how to convert PNG to SVG, please seek help from a professional.

You can also specify the resolution and the color mode, if you want to convert the PNG file to a grayscale SVG file.

Once you’ve set the parameters, you can click the Export button to start the conversion process. The conversion process can take a few minutes, depending on the complexity of the PNG file.

Once it’s finished, you’ll be able to open the resulting SVG file in Illustrator.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.