Web Design » Figma » How Do I Copy and Paste an Image in Figma?

How Do I Copy and Paste an Image in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:05 am

There are a few different ways to copy and paste an image in Figma. You can use the built-in image tool, or you can use a third-party image editor like Photoshop or Sketch.

PRO TIP: If you are trying to copy and paste an image in Figma, be aware that it may not work as expected. The reason for this is that Figma uses a different format for images than most other programs. This means that when you copy and paste an image from another program, it may not appear correctly in Figma.

To use the built-in image tool, select the image you want to copy and paste, then click on the “Copy” button in the toolbar. Next, select the frame or canvas where you want to paste the image, then click on the “Paste” button in the toolbar. The image will be inserted into the frame or canvas at its original size.

To use a third-party image editor like Photoshop or Sketch, first export the image from Figma as a PNG file. Then, open the PNG file in the image editor and copy and paste it into the frame or canvas where you want it. The image will be inserted at its original size.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.