Hosting » AWS » How do I get to AWS CLI?

How do I get to AWS CLI?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 6:26 pm

AWS CLI is a command-line interface for managing Amazon Web Services. You can install it on your system by running the following command:

curl -sSL https://AWS.Amazon.

com/cli/ | bash.

Once you have installed AWS CLI, you can use it to manage your account, create and manage resources, and more. To get started, use the following commands to list your existing commands and their parameters:

AWS help

AWS account list

AWS account create

AWS account delete

AWS account list-resources

AWS instance create

AWS instance delete

AWS keypair create

AWS keypair delete

AWS list-instances

AWS logs list

AWS logs clear

AWS lambda create

AWS lambda delete

AWS lambda list-functions

AWS lambda invoke

AWS lambda update

AWS lambda uncrate

AWS lambda create-function

AWS lambda update-function

AWS lambda uncrate-function

AWS lambda create-stream

AWS lambda update-stream

AWS lambda uncrate-stream

AWS lambda describe-function

AWS lambda create-queue

AWS lambda update-queue

AWS lambda uncrate-queue

AWS lambda describe-queue

AWS lambda list-streams

AWS lambda invoke-stream

AWS lambda update-stream-function

AWS lambda uncrate-stream-function

AWS lambda describe-stream-function

AWS lambda list-queues

AWS lambda invoke-queue

AWS lambda update-queue-function

AWS lambda uncrate-queue-function

AWS lambda describe-queue-function

AWS lambda list-logs

AWS lambda invoke-log

AWS lambda update-log-function

AWS lambda uncrate-log-function

AWS lambda describe-log-function

The AWS CLI has a lot of features, so it can be hard to remember all of the available commands. To help you learn the commands, the AWS CLI provides a help command that prints a list of all available commands and their parameters.

PRO TIP: The AWS CLI is a powerful tool that can be used to manage your AWS resources. However, it is also a potentially dangerous tool if used incorrectly. Before using the AWS CLI, you should be aware of the following risks:

• The AWS CLI can be used to delete resources, including critical resources like Amazon S3 buckets. Be sure you know what you are doing before running any commands.

• The AWS CLI can also be used to change the configuration of your resources. Be sure you understand the impact of any changes you make before running any commands.

• The AWS CLI is a complex tool with many options. Be sure to read the documentation carefully before using it, and test any commands you are unsure of in a development or test environment first.

To help you get started with the AWS CLI, we’ve created a few example commands that you can use to manage your Amazon Web Services account.

To get started with the AWS CLI, you first need to set up your AWS account. To do this, use the AWS account list command.

This command prints a list of all of the resources that are associated with your account. Next, use the AWS account create command to create a new account. The following example creates a new Amazon Web Services account with the name “demo”:.

AWS account create –name demo

You can use the AWS account list-resources command to print a list of all of the resources that are associated with your account. The following example prints a list of all the resources that are associated with the demo account:

The AWS account delete command can be used to delete an account or all of the resources associated with an account. The following example deletes the demo account:

AWS account delete –name demo

The AWS account list-instances command can be used to print a list of all of the Amazon Web Services instances that are associated with an account. The following example prints a list of all of the Amazon Web Services instances that are associated with the demo account:

AWS account list-instances

The AWS account list-logs command can be used to print a list of all of the logs that are associated with an account. The following example prints a list of all of the logs that are associated with the demo account:

AWS account list-logs

The AWS account list-streams command can be used to print a list of all of the streams that are associated with an account. The following example prints a list of all of the streams that are associated with the demo account:

AWS account list-streams

The AWS account list-queues command can be used to print a list of all of the queues that are associated with an account. The following example prints a list of all of the queues that are associated with the demo account:

AWS account list-queues

The AWS account create-function command can be used to create a new Amazon Web Services function. The following example creates a new Amazon Web Services function called “myFunction”:

AWS account create-function –name myFunction –description “My Function”

The AWS account update-function command can be used to update an existing Amazon Web Services function. The following example updates the myFunction function that was created in the previous example:

AWS account update-function.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.