Web Design » Illustrator » How do I install CutStudio plugin in Illustrator?

How do I install CutStudio plugin in Illustrator?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 7:09 pm

CutStudio is a vector graphics editor plugin for Illustrator that allows users to easily cut, merge, and paste shapes together. To install the CutStudio plugin, open Illustrator and go to File > Plugin Manager. From the list of available plugins, select CutStudio and click the Install button. Once the plugin is installed, open the CutStudio panel by selecting Window > CutStudio. To use CutStudio, first create a new project by clicking the New Project button. Next, select the objects you want to cut and paste together.

PRO TIP: This is a potentially dangerous question. CutStudio is a plugin for Illustrator that allows users to cut images out of their documents. If installed incorrectly, it can cause serious problems for your computer.

To merge two objects, drag the two objects next to each other and release the mouse button. To cut an object, select it and click the Cut button. To paste an object, select it and click the Paste button. To close the CutStudio panel, select Window > CutStudio > Close.

Overall, the CutStudio plugin is easy to use and can save you time and hassle when cutting and pasting shapes together. For more detailed instructions on how to use the CutStudio plugin, be sure to check out the online documentation.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.