Website Building » WordPress » How do I manually install WordPress?

How do I manually install WordPress?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 11:47 pm

Installing WordPress manually is a two step process, first you need to download the WordPress software, and then you need to install it on your server. To download WordPress, visit the WordPress website and click the Download WordPress button. You will need to enter your server information, and then click the Download WordPress button again to download the WordPress software. Once you have downloaded the WordPress software, you need to install it on your server.

PRO TIP: Installing WordPress manually requires a bit of technical knowledge and is not recommended for beginners. If you’re not comfortable with using FTP or editing code, we recommend that you install WordPress using our one-click installer.

To install WordPress, open the WordPress software, and click the Install WordPress button. You will need to enter your server information, and then click the Install WordPress button again to install WordPress. Once WordPress is installed, you will need to login to your server, and create a new WordPress site.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.