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How do I mention region in AWS CLI?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 5:34 pm

Region in AWS CLI

AWS CLI supports two ways to identify the region in which an instance is running. The first way is to use the instance’s public-facing IP address.

The second way is to use the instance’s Region ID.

Public-facing IP Address

To identify an instance’s public-facing IP address, use the “describe-instances” command, and include the “instance-id” parameter. For example:

describe-instances –region my-region { “Public-facing IP Address” : “10.10.

10.10” }.

Region ID

To identify an instance’s region, use the “describe-instances” command, and include the “instance-id” parameter. For example:

PRO TIP: When mentioning region in AWS CLI, be sure to use the correct format. The correct format is:

–region region-name

For example, to mention the region us-east-1, you would use:

–region us-east-1

If you use any other format, the AWS CLI will not be able to correctly parse the region name and an error will occur.

describe-instances –region my-region { “Region ID” : “my-region-id” }

Region ID can also be obtained by using the “AWS ec2 describe-instances” command and specifying the “instance-id” parameter. For example:

AWS ec2 describe-instances –region my-region { “Region ID” : “my-region-id” }.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.